For the first time since I'm out here, I feel like I'm able to come home from work at a reasonable hour, get things done around the apartment, run errands, etc. and be able to spend time properly preparing for classes. It sounds basic, but for the first few months I would be at school from before sunrise until after sunset and be so busy teaching and involved with events outside of normal school hours that I would crash by the time I got home for the night. I'm hoping to build on some of the momentum I have until the end of the school year. The job hasn't gotten any easier, but I feel like I'm managing it a bit better. I would love the chance to spend a summer actually planning my classroom and curriculum before beginning next year. But, that's yet to be determined.
It's insane how fast time is going. In about a month classes will be finished for the year. But I'm feeling relatively at ease with the future amid the stress of concert season and year end stuff.
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